365 Project, Day 38
Here is my day thirty-eight submission to my 365Project:
This afternoon we had a BBQ on the top deck behind the heli-deck where I conduct my watches and this morning, prior to the BBQ, I joked that we'd be surrounded by whales during the BBQ...then sure enough we were! We had three groups of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) over the course of the BBQ and I barely had a chance to eat my dinner because I was so busy tracking them. These observations included a competitive pod of whales and a likely mother/calf/escort group and I managed to get a photo of the calf with either the mother or the escort nearby.
Although I decided to use the calf/adult shot for my 365 Project I also managed to get a shot of this breaching whale so decided to include it in this blog post as something a little extra :)
Fun fact of the day:
There are at least three different species of barnacles and one species of lice (Cyamus boopis) found on the flippers and body of humpback whales.
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