Friday, May 8, 2009


We departed at 1400 on Five Star Charter's Fastcat and headed East out of the Victoria harbour to a report of Transient "mammal eating" killer whales in Haro Strait. Around 1445 we spotted the other whale watch vessels in the middle of Haro Strait west of Lime Kiln Lighthouse, San Juan Island. As we approached we saw T40 or Captain Hook travelling with 4 other killer whales which were later identified as the T71s which include T71 and her offspring T71A, T71B and T71C.

T40, Captain Hook, a male who is at least 48 years old

Probably T71A who is a still unsexed whale born in 1995

T40's cool looking dorsal fin!

Member of the T71s

Member of the T71s

T40, Captain Hook, and T71B in Haro Strait with whale watch boat in background

After watching the whales for a while we headed north up Haro Strait through Hughs Pass and around D'arcy Island to see if there were any Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides Dalli) or Steller sea lions (Eumatopia jubatus). After a quick look around the islands we went back to watch the whales some more and shortly after we arrived we discovered they were attacking a Steller sea lion! We watched them lunging, taillobbing and cartwheeling for about 20 minutes before we had to start making our way back to the harbour. It was unfortunate to see the sea lion being attacked but we felt fortunate to be seeing such a natural and interesting event!

Members of the T71 group of Transients hunting off Kelp Reefs

T40 and possibly T71A hunting off Kelp Reefs

T40 and members of the T71s hunting off Kelp Reefs

T40 and members of the T71s hunting off Kelp Reefs

T40 from behind...awesome dorsal fin!

Hunting a Steller sea lion at Kelp Reefs

Hunting a Steller sea lion at Kelp Reefs

Hunting a Steller sea lion at Kelp Reefs

Hunting a Steller sea lion at Kelp Reefs

T40 attacking a Steller sea lion at Kelp Reefs

The prey! Steller sea lion being attacked by T40 and T71s

T40 attacking!

T40 attacking!