Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013: Moth Thoughts

365 Project, Day 126
Here is my day 126 submission to my 365Project:

"Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame; each to his passion; what's in a name?"
-Helen Hunt Jackson

As I've been scanning the seas with my binos for whales, dolphins, turtles and birds I've noticed many of these large, dark moths flying past us. This one landed on the heli-deck near me today and I quickly snapped it's photo. I do wander what they're thinking flying this far offshore...

Fun fact of the day:
Moths come in all sorts of forms and colours and are known to mimic variety of other animals including wasps, tarantulas and praying mantis. Some even mimic bird droppings!

Read more interesting moth facts at this LiveScience webpage.

Looks like the cattle egrets are on migration right now...we had quite a few groups fly past us today including this group of 5 that were a bit far but I was able to photograph using my 20-200 mm lens with my 2x teleconverter.

Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis)

Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis)

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